For event three, I attended Ted Victoria's zoom meeting. In the meeting, he introduced a lot of his work, and how they were created from. He is a creative and talented artist, he could just use low-tech tools like homemade projectors and camera obscure to create illusory images.
During the talk, Ted Victoria showed a lot of his work, and I was impressed by it. He could just simply use a projector and other elements in life to create such amazing art pieces.
He applied this illusion onto many different surfaces or containers. Ted mentioned that he has also done it in an empty school, the room near the street. People had different emotional reactions toward it, some might be scared, some might be curious, and some might be questioning what that is.
I think it is the beauty of art, not only it did not cost much to create it but also makes people think. To be honest, before taking this course, I thought art is those paintings in the museum. But after this Zoom meeting, I discovered that art could be this easy, too. It does not require any expensive tools, but your creativity and unique thinking process. Moreover, we are all unique individuals, it is great to see how people have different reactions to the same art device. And how that art device could influence their thoughts on different perspectives in life.
Center, A. S. (2022, June 9). Color, light, motion. episode 10: Ted Victoria. Vimeo. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from
Hansen, T., & Winther, L. (n.d.). Manufacturing in the knowledge economy: Innovation in low-tech industries. Handbook of Manufacturing Industries in the World Economy, 439–450.
Harlow, T. (2020). Home-Based Art Learning: 30 Creative Ideas for No Tech, Low Tech, and High Tech Art Projects. Online Art Teacher, 1(1).
Low-tech art. Fine Art America. (n.d.). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from
Ted Victoria. (n.d.). Ted Victoria. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from
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